11/29/2020 14:20:19

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To face our rainy and cold Parisian winter we took the best of England : the British phlegm, perseverance and sense of style. Have a sit with a scarf wrapped around your neck, and let me tell you some personal stories about Cinabre varsity scarves collection and my childhood in the British boarding schools.


When I was 9 years old and during a whole semester, my parents sent me to the Oratory Prep school, an English boarding school located in Reading, not far away from London. I felt like I was at Harry Potter's Hogwarts school with its mandatory uniforms and funny traditions. Something very different from the French schools I was used to. Since then I've had a great esteem for the British etiquette and a taste for knee-high socks. By the way, I warmly recommend you The Crown (Netflix show) latest season for its memorable outfits. The Royal family formal dress and Diana's 80s' sweaters are a great introduction to the British style.

The knitted and colourful university scarf (or varsity scarf) holds a special place in that wardrobe. Depending on the scarf colours or patterns you are wearing, one can easily acknowledge whether you are a member of the Cambridge University Boat Club or from the Oxford's Vincent's Club. I got my inspiration from these scarves to create my collection. However don't expect regulation varsity scarves. I created asymmetric and graphic patterns. I hope the Queen will understand we mean no disrespect!


We thus decided to modernize the varisity scarves stripes with herringbone patterns. That emblem often decorates the vintage military jackets I have been collecting for many years now. If you had the opportunity to visit our Parisian boutique, you might have encountered several pieces of my collection. And I designed a graphic "C" letter which appears in the pattern as a signature or it could be some kind of heraldic ornament. (heraldry / héraldique in French, meaning the study of coats of armorial bearings, blazons...).

Our scarves are knitted by one of the last ateliers in France specialized in the knitted accessories. The workshop is located in the Auvergne region, also known as the volcanoes region (right in the centre of France). Don't expect any volcano to erupt in France however. They are not active anymore, except if you fly all the way to La Reunion island, a French volcanic island in the Indian ocean!...Let's go back to our French atelier in Auvergne. It started in 1940. The third generation is now running the show, following the same techniques for 80 years. The Cinabre scarves are 2 meters long (approx 79 inches) of soft and breathable merinos wool.