Cinabre or the anti-business plan

05/02/2021 11:00:40

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Cinabre or the anti-business plan


“You’ve got a company that makes ties and bow ties? But haven’t you noticed that no one wears them anymore, not even at the office? Ties are so passé!”

I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many times someone has said something like that to me, eyes full of sympathy, visibly thinking, “Poor guy. He’s got to be an idiot to do something like that...”!

Not so sure about “Idiot”. But passionate? Without a doubt! – Cinabre or the anti-business plan? Now we’re adding another layer to the family of obsolete accessories: Say hello to suspenders (aka braces)!

We strayed a little bit from our Made in France policy when reaching across the Channel to England, to a workshop that’s been specializing in suspenders since 1820. We asked them for a dual-attachment system, either clip-on or button-on: a piece of cake for such seasoned craftsmen!.

Caught up in the fun when trying them on at the office..

You talkin' to me?

The collection includes 11 different models. Post-lockdown black tie event and looking for suspenders in black or white silk? Check. Invited to a seaside wedding and want something seersucker and subtle? Double check.


Board meeting for a Dow Jones company in New York skyscraper penthouse suite? We don't have the Concorde, but we do have the perfect pair of striped suspenders for you!




More of a belt-person? Click here


We also have important phone calls...


If you’d rather see suspenders on someone other than yourself, here are 3 iconic films/shows we recommend so that this newsletter doesn’t go directly to the bin.

Once Upon a Time in the West

We can't say that Sergio Leone's film encourages people to wear suspenders. But, it’s a legendary line (and is one of the reasons why we never get tired of watching this classic Spaghetti Western):


Wall Street

This film established the somewhat cliché Banker = Suspenders look. They adorned the shoulders of Michael Douglas who plays the corporate raider Gordon Gekko. Fun fact to impress dinner guests: The navy and sky blue suspenders (which you can find on our site) are a faithful nod to the colors of Eton, one of the most prestigious boarding schools in England.

""Did I already mention to you the amazing performances of our savings accounts ?...""

Mork & Mindy

Hailing from the tail end of the 70s, this series may not go down in the history books, but it was Robin Williams’ first major role. Sporting rainbow suspenders, the actor plays an alien from Ork who has come to earth to study human behavior. A sitcom with Sci-Fi kitsch: something we like at Cinabre…

A perfect couple - they don't make them like that anymore