07/18/2022 15:31:04

Blog > New collections


Spacemen are the explorers of modern times, similar to Bougainville or Cook in the 18th century. They are ready to take all the risks to discover, explore, go where no one else has ever set foot. Through the "Spationautes" (French word for astronauts) collection of silk scarves I wanted to pay tribute to these space adventurers.
We cheated a little bit, replacing the darkness of space infinity with the colorful and buzzing garden of our floral pattern.
Put on your spacesuit. Cleared for immediate takeoff !

Spationaute orange silk bandana

Spationaute orange silk bandana with a blue jacket and a white t-shirt


Bruce McCandless, John Grunsfeld and Buzz Aldrin are the three spacemen you'll see on our scarves. Let me introduce them.

Spationaute pink silk scarf

Bruce McCandless’ picture

Bruce McCandless floating in space

Have you ever been anxious about being lost in infinite space (thank you Gravity) ? Imagine Bruce McCandless when he launched his Manned Maneuvering Unit in 1984: he was the first astronaut to fly in space without a safety cable attached to a spacecraft. He used the famous MMU.

Spationaute pink orange bandana

John Grunsfeld’s picture

John Grunsfeld floating in his head upside down

The art of turning your head upside down. Nicknamed "Mr. Telescope", John Grunsfeld has flown 4 missions on orbiting telescopes, including 3 on the famous Hubble Space Telescope.

Spationaute blue navy silk square scarf

Edwin Aldrin’s picture

Edwin Aldrin floating in space

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, who touched the lunar surface, does not need any introduction. Aldrin touched the lunar ground only 19 minutes after Armstrong. Together they planted the American flag on the Moon on July 21, 1969.

On our scarve we surrounded the acrobatics of these gentlemen with colored frames inspired by the stripes of our club ties: the space preppy is born! And for this collection we continue to work with our faithful craftsmen: the printing is done in Italy, in a traditional workshop close to the Lake Como, and the hand-rolled edges are done in France, in the Monts-du-Lyonnais region.

 spationaute blue navy silk square scarf



Whether it's with the iconic square 90 or the large 63x63cm bandana, a multitude of knots are possible. Many thanks to Hugh, Grace, Jimi and Yves for being our models for this newsletter.

Hugh Grant wearing a bandana

Spationaute pink silk bandana tied on a blue jacket and white t-shirt

Spationaute mustard silk bandana tied on a light blue shirt and white t-shirt

Grace Kelly wearing a scarf tied around her neck

Cow-boy or boy-scout with a bandana ?


Jimi Hendrix wearing a bandana knotted around his neck like a tie

Spationaute pink silk bandana on a dark blue jacket

Spationaute mustard silk bandana on a blue jacket and a white t-shirt

Yves Saint Laurent wearing a scarf tied around his neck

Very classic tie knot, like Jimi Hendrix, or innovative, like Yves Saint Laurent?



If you're interested in space but are more into pizza and sofa than freeze-dried food and NASA, here are some tips on how to feel the weightlessness effortlessly. Get the Milky Way candies ready.

Thomas Pesquet’s comics » width=

"Dans la combi de Thomas Pesquet", ("In the spacesuit of Thomas Pesquet") we follow the journey of our space star in comics. It is as funny as it is documented, from his selection, then his training to his mission in the ISS, the International Space Station, and his return to Earth. A delight. 

NASA archive images

The American space agency has put online all its archive images : the first capsule tests in the desert as well as the most recent missions. A visual treasure where it is easy to get lost for hours... We call it a black hole in the jargon. 


See you soon, to infinity and beyond…